Even though you might be going through tough times in your business you still need to ensure that you comply with relevant work place laws. To assist you we recommend that you review your obligations for staff before reducing hours, laying off staff and have a plan in place to ensure the long term viability…
Month: March 2020
Support for Businesses | Treasury.gov.au
In response to client questions about the corona virus there is a lot of information being talked about, what am entitled to, how much will I get, how do I get this, do I have to apply. To assist clients we have shared this link, if you would like to know more about your options…
Economic Response to the Coronavirus | Treasury.gov.au
We are still open to assist you and your business. If you feel like you need assistance please contact us @info@bdmaccountants.com.au. Source: Economic Response to the Coronavirus | Treasury.gov.au